HySpire Labradors
Vonnie & Jim Russell
Shannon Brown
Vonnie (209) 402-4488
Jim (209) 702-1009
GRCh.HySpire Bohemian Rhapsody From Breckin
Frozen semen only
20 months
9 months
EIC Clear
OFA Hips Good/ Elbows Normal
Cardiac Clear Echo Cardiogram/Color Doppler
Eyes Cleared Annually
Dominant Black
HNPK clear
CNM clear
PRA clear
Dilute Gene clear
Notable wins
GGLRC***Marlene Hepper***1st PL, RWD
HDLRC, 12-18 mo***Patricia Block***1st Place
HDLRC, 12-18 mo***Cheri Conway***1st Place , WD
KC of Palm Springs, 12-18 mo***Laurie Doumaux***1st,WD, BOW
LRC of Potomac, Open Black***Hannele Jokisilta***2nd Place
RCLRC, Open BLK***Roger Orton***1st, WD,BOW
RCLRC,Open BLK***Nancy Talbot***1st Place
GGLRC, Open Blk***Marilyn E. Prior.***1st, WD, BOW
New Champion
Del Valle Dog KC, BOB***Vicky Creamer***Select
HDLRC***Jeff Gilmore***Select
HDLRC***Barb Gilchrist***Select
CCCLRC***Sally Bell.***Select
JAM***LRC of Potomac, 2014
JAM***LRC of Potomac, 2015